Introduction to Connected Learning
Introducing Module 1 (Weeks 1-3)
This module is all about introducing the concepts, theories and frameworks which will underpin the rest of the unit. Although it may seem like a lot of content to cover, this core information is what you will return to repeatedly throughout the semester.In keeping with connected learning principles, resources have been created and are presented in a variety of formats to maximise accessibility and useability. Please feel free to give feedback and offer suggestions that may help to further improve the learning for everyone.Module 1 introduces you to key concepts and practices of connected learning. It aims to:
* provoke your thinking about: what is connected learning? what are the implications for your learning and teaching?
* support the development of the LCN600 community of connected learners
* stimulate you to initiate or review your PLN (personal learning network)
* encourage you to explore the wider Web and social media
Connected learning is a contemporary pedagogical approach that connects people, learning technologies and information. It is socially situated, production-centred and interest-driven (Ito et al 2013). Connected learning enables students to develop personal learning networks by interacting with real world learning environments (Educause 2013). Taking advantage of openly networked resources and social media, students create, curate and share the results of their learning to a wider audience.

Plan for Module One
Week One
Assignment One and Assignment Two guidelines
Choosing a Connected Learning Environment
Mimi Ito, director of the Connected Learning Lab at UC Irvine, shares examples of connected learning from her own life and explains the importance of combining personal interests, supportive relationships, and opportunities in order to maximize learning. Presentation recorded at the Designing 2030 summit held by the Concord Consortium in May 2018.
Connected Learning Explained
Participate in Week One Tutorial on Collaborate Ultra
Introduce yourself on the Padlet
Complete the Social Media survey
Week Two
Participate in Week Two Tutorial on Collaborate Ultra
Assignment 1: Spend your time this week becoming familiar with the Connected Learning Framework, approaches to connected learning and pinpointing the connected learning environment you will choose for your Assignment. Share on the Assignment One Padlet your connected learning environment idea – the interest-powered topic that you will be exploring, or even better, the specific environment that you think you will focus on. Include its aims and activities in brief summary.
Week Three
Participate in Week Three Tutorial on Collaborate Ultra
Assignment 1: Start thinking about setting up your blog/website; choose your platform, draft the design. Explore and experiment with apps and tools to create your Connected Learning map. Jane Hart’s Directory of Tools is fabulous. Here is her list of Mindmapping tools. Continue exploring your chosen connected learning environment and becoming familiar with the different elements of the community/environment.
Assignment 2. Map your PLN as it exists now (a rough draft is fine). If you don’t have a PLN, map what you hope your PLN will develop into. Begin developing your PLN in at least one social media space. Lurking is OK at this stage! Record notes, reflections and critical incidents as they occur.