Access to the weekly online tutorial is available via the LCN600 QUT Blackboard Space to students currently enrolled in LCN600 Connected Learning through Queensland University of Technology (Semester One, 2019).

Tutorials using the Collaborate Ultra web conferencing software will occur most weeks. They will include topic related discussion and opportunity for general questions. You can participate through oral and written chat. Tutorials will be held on Monday evenings at 7.30-8.30 pm (Brisbane time). The room will open 15 minutes prior to the beginning of the tutorial so that participants have plenty of time to log in before we begin.

The tutorials will be recorded so you can revisit tutorials or catch up on missed ones. Recordings will be available on the Collaborate Ultra page. The brief tutorial below walks you through how to access this page.

For beginners, or those who wish to refresh their skills, I recommend the comprehensive Participant Guide. Each new session, when you get into the tutorial room, please check your audio settings. Information on this is available here.

Practice beforehand! To get a feel for the Collaborate tutorial environment you can log in to the LCN600 open space any time via the CL Community page. You will probably be the only person there, but try out the Audio Wizard, click the buttons, type a chat message. You are also welcome to use this space at any time to meet with fellow LCN600 students if you wish to chat online or share resources. In the Week 1 tutorial I will provide a quick orientation to the Collaborate Ultra environment.

Problem solving

If you experience any technical difficulties connecting to Blackboard Collaborate

Contact QUT IT Help Desk ASAP!
Sometimes students have difficulties connecting the first time they use Collaborate on a computer or other device due to software issues. Please don’t panic, it’s the technology not you!

All of this information is available in printable format here.

Weekly Tutorial Schedule:

LCN600 Week One – Mapping the connected learning ecology 25/2/19, 7:30 pm

LCN600 Week Two – Introduction to the Connected Learning Framework 4/3/19, 7:30 pm

LCN600 Week Three – Introduction to the Connected Educator: Your PLN 11/3/19, 7:30 pm

LCN600 Week Four – Production centred learning: Introduction to Creative Makes 18/3/19, 7:30 pm

LCN600 Week Five – Guest speaker (TBC) 25/3/19, 7:30 pm

LCN600 Week Six – Assignment One Q & A 1/4/19, 7:30 pm

LCN600 Week Seven – Twitter, Tweetdeck and Tweet Chats 8/4/19, 7:30 pm

LCN600 Week Eight 15/4/19

LCN600 Week Nine – Linking, stretching and amplifying 29/4/19, 7:30 pm

LCN600 Week Ten 06/05/19

LCN600 Week Eleven – Assignment Q & A 13/5/19, 7:30 pm

LCN600 Week Twelve – Connected Learning in the classroom 20/5/19, 7:30 pm

LCN600 Week Thirteen – Virtual celebration and Assignment Q & A 27/5/19, 7:30 pm