I will provide formative assessment (critical feedback and guidance) throughout the semester. Members of the LCN600 learning community will also provide support and critical feedback to each other.
There are two graded assignments. Assignment One focuses on the Connected Learning Framework and the content we will explore in Modules 1 & 2. Assignment Two runs throughout the entire semester, as you initiate (for some), develop and actively participate with connections you establish through your PLN. All modules will relate to Assignment Two.

 Assignment 1 is due in Week 7. Assignment 2 is due in Week 14.

Don’t feel overwhelmed! A major part of Assignment 2 is developing a PLN, which happens over time. The unit is designed to support you in this process throughout the semester. We will discuss in detail the way Assignments 1 & 2 blend together during our first tutorial.

Assessment No. 1: Connected Learning Map
Assignment 1 requires you to:
a) map a connected learning environment that is interest-driven, and peer supported;
b) critically discuss the connected learning environment; and
c) critically reflect on your connected learning experiences and outcomes throughout the whole unit.

Assessment No. 2: Personal Learning Network
Assignment 2 requires you to develop and reflect upon a personal learning network (PLN) that relates to an aspect of your professional practice.:
A PLN is a network of people, information and resources that an individual maintains using the affordances of social software to support their personal and professional learning.
For Assignment 2 you will:
a) choose an aspect of your professional practice which you’d like to focus on and develop;
b) actively develop, expand and contribute to your online (PLN) to learn about this aspect using a range of social software (e.g. blogs, Twitter, online forums); and
c) critically reflect on your professional learning that you engaged in through your PLN.

​Both assignments will be presented in a blog or website. You may start a new blog/website especially for the task, or you may use an existing one. You can choose from a range of platforms including: Edublogs, WordPress (blog platforms), Weebly, Wix (website platforms, some with blog functionality). If you haven’t created a website before then Weebly is probably the easiest to use.

A detailed guide for each assessment is available for download below.

Assignment 1:

Assignment 2: